Our customers can find a variety of Temperature Controllers. These applications are used in various industries for monitoring the temperature. It compares the actual temperature to the required control temperature and provides an output to a control element. Shimaden is one of dpstar best temperature controller and at a very low cost compare to others in the market. Also dpstar is the top manufacturer and supplier in Malaysia . Please visit our website to get more information.
Monday, 29 June 2015
RTD Sensor
RTDs have broad temperature ranges, are less susceptible to EMF resistance, vibration and temperature shock. They provide excellent long term stability and are available in small dimensions. dpstar is one of the greatest manufacturer and supplier in Malaysia. dpstar RTD sensors are highly accurate and fast responding sensing elements. They utilize the direct relationship between resistance and temperature to provide repeatable and measurable results. Visit our website for more info.
Heating element
Heater elements within electric heaters are mainly composed of three elements: an insulating core, a heat conductive coil wrapped around the insulation and an encasing sheath made from stainless steel, aluminum, nickel or iron. Insulating cores are necessary in most types of electric heaters to retain and absorb electrical energy so that it might be released as heat energy by surrounding coils or materials. Coiled wire heater elements, such as those used as household dryer heating elements, have no insulating core but transfer heat directly to the air through blown convection. In higher heat applications, cores are responsible for converting electrical energy into heat energy and are heating elements’ major component. Heater element cores are generally made from either NiChrome, a high resistance 80% nickel 20% chromium compound, or from a Positive Thermal Coefficient ceramic, which is a highly heat resistant barium titanate/lead titanate composite. Ceramics and NiChrome are by far the most common insulation materials, although various heater elements may use mineral insulation such as magnesium oxide, mica or fiberglass, depending on the heater’s application requirements. dpstar is the leading supplier and manufacturer in Malaysia. Come and get more info now .
A thermocouple is a temperature measurement sensor consisting of two dissimilar metals joined together at one end.
Thermocouple wire is used in a thermocouple from the sensing point to the cold junction compensation point (or reference point). It is the difference in the millivolt output from the sensing point to the reference point that provides the temperature measurement.
Different thermocouple types require different alloy wire combinations. Some of the more popular thermocouple wire & cable types include type E (Chromel/Constantan), Type J (Iron/Constantan), Type K (Chromel/Alumel), and type T (Copper/Constantan).
dpstar is the greatest manufacturer and supplier in Malaysia. Come visit us at our website.
Thermocouple wire is used in a thermocouple from the sensing point to the cold junction compensation point (or reference point). It is the difference in the millivolt output from the sensing point to the reference point that provides the temperature measurement.
Different thermocouple types require different alloy wire combinations. Some of the more popular thermocouple wire & cable types include type E (Chromel/Constantan), Type J (Iron/Constantan), Type K (Chromel/Alumel), and type T (Copper/Constantan).
dpstar is the greatest manufacturer and supplier in Malaysia. Come visit us at our website.
Cartridge heater
dpstar cartridge heaters are swaged designs, made for use in applications where high watt density, high temperatures and long service life are critical to minimize mold service downtime and expensive press open time. The swaged construction produces a highly compacted unit that resists shock and vibration, while providing for maximum element life through efficient transfer heating. They last up to 20 times longer than uncompacted cartridge heaters. dpstar will also custom manufacture to your specifications. dpstar is one the top manufacturer and supplier in Malaysia. The best is to give us a visit at our website.
Immersion Heater
Immersion Heaters consist of tubular or heating elements immersed into the fluid. Immersion heaters are very efficient and cost effective since all energy that is generated is dissipated directly into the medium which is being heated. Immersion Heaters are used to heat fluids such as water, oil, chemical solutions, electro-plating and salt solutions. Since some of these fluids can be quit aggressive, the sheath material needs to be carefully chosen. dpstar is one the greatest manufacturer and supplier in Malaysia. Visit our website here.
Friday, 26 June 2015
Cartridge Heater
There are many cartridge heater suppliers to choose from, but dpstar is a stocking cartridge heater supplier for your custom cartridge heater needs. We keep your special heating cartridges in stock to keep you out of trouble during emergency situations. dpstar is the top supplier and manufacturer in Malaysia. Visit our website for more info.
Heating elements
All applications that require heating elements must be controlled. To meet this requirement, dpstar provides control options ranging from bimetal thermostats to a network of digital PID temperature controllers for a heating system. dpstar is the greatest of all manufacturer and supplier in Malaysia. Give us a visit here.
RTD Sensor
Since many years we have been producing high-quality thermometer resistors Pt100 and etc that are the core of each RTD sensor. The unique technology combined with professional measuring equipment allow us to make high-class products. dpstar is the best manufacturer and supplier in Malaysia. Give us a visit .
Heating Element
Established in 1996, we dpstar are one of the leading manufacturer, supplier, distributor, exporter, importer and service provider of a huge array of Heating Element & Control Panel. Our offered product range are Industrial Heating Elements, Heating System, Ceramic Heater Parts and so on made using optimum quality of raw materials and highly technical machines and equipment for meeting high quality products. Our products is highly acknowledged among the clients for its dimensional accuracy, durability, corrosion resistance, and fine finishing. Visit us at our dpstar website.
Thermocouples are among the easiest temperature sensors to use and obtain and are widely used in science and industry. They are based on the Seebeck effect that occurs in electrical conductors that experience a temperature gradient along their length. They are "simple", rugged, need no batteries, measure over very wide temperature ranges and more. They have their quirks, too, like everything else. The solution to thermocouple uses and problems lies in the details of a given application. dpstar is the south east asia biggest manufacturer and supplier in Malaysia. Visit us at dpstar.
Immersion Heater
Immersion heaters come in three basic types. All are supplied by Process Heating Services. If you click on the headings below, or the links at the bottom of the page, you will be able to view the ranges available.
- screwed immersion heaters, which are discussed in detail in our “What is an immersion heater” blog).
- flanged immersion heaters.
- over-the-side heaters, also known as VAT heaters.
dpstar is the best manufacturer and supplier in Malaysia. Pay us a visit at our website.
Thursday, 25 June 2015
Temperature Controller
The role of the temperature controller is to measure the temperature on the thermometer, compare it to the set point and to calculate the amount of time the heater should remain switched on to maintain a constant temperature.
Many factors change the amount of time that the heater needs to maintain the process temperature. For example the size of the heater, the size of the oven, the amount of insulation surrounding the oven and the ambient temperature are some of the more obvious. But other factors such as the circulation of air within the oven, the humidity of the air. dpstar is the headmost manufacturer and supplier in Malaysia. For more info visit our website.
Many factors change the amount of time that the heater needs to maintain the process temperature. For example the size of the heater, the size of the oven, the amount of insulation surrounding the oven and the ambient temperature are some of the more obvious. But other factors such as the circulation of air within the oven, the humidity of the air. dpstar is the headmost manufacturer and supplier in Malaysia. For more info visit our website.
Immersion Heater
Industrial immersion heaters are a fast and efficient way of heating up various liquid solutions in processing equipment, large tanks and containers in many industries. Heating up liquids using direct heat transfer allows for the liquid medium to quickly reach the desired temperature using electric heating elements such as flanged heaters, screw plug heaters, over the side heaters or circulation heaters. dpstar is the best when it comes to being a manufacturer and supplier in Malaysia. Visit our website.
Cartridge Heater
dpstar cartridge heater may be used for many heating applications, but they are most often used to heat blocks of metal (such as dies on injection molding machines) by insertion into drilled holes in the metal. When used in this application, the major factors influencing heater lifetime are the watt density on the heater surface, the fit in the hole and operating temperature. dpstar is top manufacturer and heater in Malaysia. Visit our website for more info
Heating Elements
These heaters are available with heating elements made of copper, steel, stainless steel, cast iron, Incoloy, titanium, and PFA coated. A wide selection of kilowatt ratings, shapes and mounting methods are available to suit many different types of applications. dpstar is top manufacturer and supplier. Visit our site.
RTD Sensor
RTDs work on a basic correlation between metals and temperature. As the temperature of a metal increases, the metal's resistance to the flow of electricity increases. Similarly, as the temperature of the RTD resistance element increases, the electrical resistance, measured in ohms (Ω), increases. RTD elements are commonly specified according to their resistance in ohms at zero degrees Celsius (0° C). The most common RTD specification is 100 Ω, which means that at 0° C the RTD element should demonstrate 100 Ω of resistance. dpstar is the most amazing manufacturer and supplier in Malaysia. Visit us at dpstar.
The thermocouple is based on the Seebeck effect, named after its discoverer, Thomas J. Seebeck. In its simplest form, the thermocouple consists of two wires of dissimilar metals or alloys joined at their ends, with a potentiometer (or a voltmeter) connected in one side of the circuit. The diagram shows such a thermocouple using wires of iron and constantan (an alloy of 60 per cent copper and 40 per cent nickel). dpstar is the leading manufacturer and supplier in Malaysia. You can visit our website here.
Wednesday, 24 June 2015
Temperature Controller
Temperature Controllers fulfill temperature-dependent measurement, control, safety and monitoring tasks. Modern control technology, space-saving design and high operating comfort are particular advantages. dpstar the top manufacturer and supplier in Malaysia. Visit dpstar website now .
RTD Sensor
The advantages of using RTD's include:
•Linear over wide operating range
•Wide temperature operating range
•High temperature operating range
•Interchangeability over wide range
•Good stability at high temperature
dpstar the leading manufacturer and supplier only in Malaysia. Visit us at dpstar.
•Linear over wide operating range
•Wide temperature operating range
•High temperature operating range
•Interchangeability over wide range
•Good stability at high temperature
dpstar the leading manufacturer and supplier only in Malaysia. Visit us at dpstar.
Heating Element
We offer a vast selection of different heating elements, mostly bespoke to specific customer designs however some standard products are available within the key product groups. dpstar is the leading manufacturer and supplier throughout Malaysia. Visit our dpstar site.
Thermocouples are classified with letters and are color coded. The most common types are J (black)-, K (yellow)- and T- (blue) type. The wire color indicates what type of thermocouple it is. (example: white + red wire insulations are used for J-type thermocouples; the colors of jacks and plugs for a J-type thermocouple is black. The greatest manufacturer and supplier in Malaysia. Visit at our dpstar web.
Cartridge Heater
A cartridge heater can also come in split cartridge heaters, which are split to enhance the design for even heat transfer. Depending on your application and project you may want to choose to go with a cartridge heater over a split cartridge heater. dpstar is one of the top manufacturer and supplier in Malaysia. Visit us at our website.
Immersion Heater
Immersion heaters are designed for vessels where through the side immersion heaters cannot be conveniently installed. These heaters are installed through the top of the vessel with the heated portion of the unit along the side or at the bottom of the tank. dpstar is the leader of manufacturer and supplier. Visit our website.
Tuesday, 23 June 2015
Temperature Controller Info 3
Our comprehensive range of controllers enable you to choose from a vast range of products designed by a company with over 19 years of control expertise. dpstar is a terrific manufacturer and supplier in Malaysia. dpstar website here.
RTD Sensor Info 3
Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTD's) are stable and have a fairly wide temperature range, but are not as rugged and inexpensive as thermocouples. Since they require the use of electric current to make measurements, RTD's are subject to inaccuracies from self-heating.
An RTD capitalizes on the fact that the electrical resistance of a material changes as its temperature changes. RTD's rely on the resistance change in a metal. The resistance will rise more or less linearly with temperature. dpstar is the premium manufacturer and supplier in Malaysia . Visit us here .
An RTD capitalizes on the fact that the electrical resistance of a material changes as its temperature changes. RTD's rely on the resistance change in a metal. The resistance will rise more or less linearly with temperature. dpstar is the premium manufacturer and supplier in Malaysia . Visit us here .
Heating element Info 3
A typical heating element is usually a coil, ribbon, of strip of wire made from nichrome that gives off heat much like a lamp filament. When an electric current flows through it, it glows red hot and converts the electrical energy passing through it into heat, which it radiates out in all directions. Nichrome is an alloy (a mixture of metals and sometimes other chemical elements) that consists of about 80 percent nickel and 20 percent chromium (other compositions of nichrome are available, but the 80–20 mix is the most common). There are various good reasons why nichrome is the most popular material for heating elements: it has a high melting point (about 1400°C or 2550°F), doesn't oxidize (even at high temperatures), doesn't expand too much when it heats up, and has a reasonable (not too low, not too high, and reasonably constant) resistance (it increases only by about 10 percent between room temperature and its maximum operating temperature). dpstar is an outstanding manufacturer and supplier in Malaysia. For more info visit u at dpstar.
Thermocouple Info 3
Thermocouples are among the easiest temperature sensors to use and obtain and are widely used in science and industry. They are based on the Seebeck effect that occurs in electrical conductors that experience a temperature gradient along their length. They are "simple", rugged, need no batteries, measure over very wide temperature ranges and more. They have their quirks, too, like everything else. The solution to thermocouple uses and problems lies in the details of a given application. dpstar is the top leading manufacturer and supplier in Malaysia . Visit our site .
Cartridge Heater Info 3
Renowned for long trouble free service, cartridge heaters are constructed using sheaths of precision dimensions and tolerances for intimate contact with reamed holes. Internal heating elements are supported on high quality ceramic, solidly packed magnesium oxide with a wide variety of connections available, including plated steel screws and nuts or glass insulated nickel wires. Heating elements positioned close to the outside surface for maximum heat transfer, minimum core temperature, and faster heating. High watt-density units with stainless steel sheaths provide stable non-oxidising surfaces. dpstar is a leading manufacturer and supplier in Malaysia . For more info visit dpstar.
Immersion Heater Info 3
dpstar Corporation offers a broad line of immersion heaters for constant temperature baths and other processes that require the direct application of clean heat. dpstar immersion heaters are compact and highly customizable, allowing for maximum work area to reduce the amount of process chemicals consumed. dpstar immersion heaters heat efficiently and evenly for better temperature results. dpstar is a leading manufacturer and supplier in Malaysia . For more info visit us at dpstar.
Monday, 22 June 2015
Temperature Controller
Temperature controllers are needed in any situation requiring a given temperature be kept stable. This can be in a situation where an object is required to be heated, cooled or both and to remain at the target temperature (setpoint), regardless of the changing environment around it. There are two fundamental types of temperature control; open loop and closed loop control. Open loop is the most basic form and applies continuous heating/cooling with no regard for the actual temperature output. It is analogous to the internal heating system in a car. On a cold day, you may need to turn the heat on to full to warm the car to 75°. However, during warmer weather, the same setting would leave the inside of the car much warmer than the desired 75°. dpstar is the best in Malaysia for manufacturer and supplier. Visit us here at dpstar.
RTD Sensor Info 2
Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs) have a linear increase in resistance as temperature rises. RTDs come in 2-wire, 3-wire or 4-wire versions. A 2-wire RTD signal is affected by the distance to the controller. 3-wire or 4-wire RTDs can compensate for line losses.
Thermocouples have two dissimilar metal wires joined at the hot junction. As temperature changes, a millivolt signal is read at the cold junction. The most common types of temperature thermocouples are Type J thermocouples and Type K thermocouples. Advantages of thermocouple sensors include: low cost, small size, wider temperature ranges and faster response than RTDs. The disadvantages of using thermocouples include: they are less linear and accurate than RTDs, a matching extension wire is needed, and thermocouples are sensitive to electrical noise.
dpstar is the leading manufacturer and supplier in Malaysia . Also Maltec-T is our very own manufacturer for RTD Sensor. Visit us here.
Thermocouples have two dissimilar metal wires joined at the hot junction. As temperature changes, a millivolt signal is read at the cold junction. The most common types of temperature thermocouples are Type J thermocouples and Type K thermocouples. Advantages of thermocouple sensors include: low cost, small size, wider temperature ranges and faster response than RTDs. The disadvantages of using thermocouples include: they are less linear and accurate than RTDs, a matching extension wire is needed, and thermocouples are sensitive to electrical noise.
dpstar is the leading manufacturer and supplier in Malaysia . Also Maltec-T is our very own manufacturer for RTD Sensor. Visit us here.
Heating element Info 2
Thick film technology: Heating elements for high-temperature furnaces are often made of exotic materials, including platinum, molybdenum disilicide, molybdenum (vacuum furnaces) and silicon carbide. Silicon carbide igniters are common in gas ovens. dpstar is a leading manufacturer and supplier in Malaysia . Visit our webpage.
Thermocouple Info 2
Thermocouples are a widely used type of temperature sensor for measurement and control, and can also convert a temperature gradient into electricity. Commercial thermocouples are inexpensive, interchangeable, are supplied with standard connectors, and can measure a wide range of temperatures. In contrast to most other methods of temperature measurement, thermocouples are self powered and require no external form of excitation. The main limitation with thermocouples is accuracy; system errors of less than one degree Celsius (°C) can be difficult to achieve. dpstar is in the top manufacturer and supplier in Malaysia . Our product thermocouple is created by dpstar Maltec-T .
Cartridge heater 2
dpstar Cartridge heaters are available in low, medium and high watt densities with internally externally connected leads. We also manufacture Split type cartridge heaters for high temperature applications. We built every technically possible heaters as per to our customers requirement. dpstar is a top supplier and manufacturer in Malaysia . Visit us at dpstar.
Immersion heater Info 2
The electric immersion heaters are used for the corrosive chemical heating in industrial applications. Various configurations are available, such as open tank, screw plug and flange type. The sheath materials can be constructed from a wide variety to ensure long life regardless of the chemistry. Materials include: fluoropolymer, quartz, titanium, 316 stainless steel, 304 stainless steel and plain steel. Sizes from as small as 100 watts for laboratory environments up to 54,000 watts (flange heater up to 270,000 watts) for industrial applications are available. Many standard configurations are available from stock. Quick lead times are also available for custom made heaters. Heaters are compliance to UL,CSA and CE marks. dpstar is Malaysia top supplier and manufacturer for immersion heater . Visit us here.
Friday, 19 June 2015
Temperature Controller
Process and temperature controllers are powerful process control tools, but they offer very simple operation. Process controllers take a signal from a temperature device, such as a thermocouple or RTD, or from a pressure/ flow/ level sensor, and maintain a setpoint using an output signal. dpstar provides the best temperature controller because of their name for being Malaysia top manufacturer and suppliers. Visit us at www.dpstar.com.my.
RTD Sensor
resistance temperature detectors (RTDs), are sensors used to measure temperature by correlating the resistance of the RTD element with temperature. Most RTD elements consist of a length of fine coiled wire wrapped around a ceramic or glass core. The element is usually quite fragile, so it is often placed inside a sheathed probe to protect it. The RTD element is made from a pure material, typically platinum, nickel or copper. dpstar is a manufacturer and supplier that is famous for RTD Sensor due to the high quality of production. Maltec T the manufacturer produces high quality RTD Sensor. Visit us at www.dpstar.com.my.
Heating Element
Molybdenum disilicide: Molybdenum disilicide (MoSi2) an intermetallic compound, a silicide of molybdenum, is a refractory ceramic primarily used in heating elements. It has moderate density, melting point 2030 °C, and is electrically conductive. At high temperatures it forms a passivation layer of silicon dioxide, protecting it from further oxidation. dpstar is a manufacturer and supplier in Malaysia that manufacture many heating elements. dpstar is one of the top companiese in Malaysia. Visit us at www.dpstar.com.my
A Thermocouple is a sensor used to measure temperature. Thermocouples consist of two wire legs made from different metals. The wires legs are welded together at one end, creating a junction. This junction is where the temperature is measured. When the junction experiences a change in temperature, a voltage is created. dpstar is the best in Malaysia in thermocouple and Maltec-H is the manufacturer for dpstar. dpstar is also the top supplier in Malayisa. Vist us at www.dpstar.com.my.
Cartridge heater (Insulation)
Insulation is used to prevent the Nichrome coil to contact the sheath. If such event happened, it would ground the resistance and potentially produce a catastrophic short-circuit, resulting in a melted sheath and a major equipment failure. Damage can be mitigated by installing a ground fault interuping circuit. To prevent the coil from touching the sheath, the coil is inserted into the sheath, and immediately filled with Magnesium Oxide (MgO). To ensure the MgO fills the empty space between the sheath and the coil, the cartridge heater is vibratory filled. dpstar manufacturer and supplier in Malaysia cartridge heater is high quality and cost saving. For more info visit us at www.dpstar.com.my.
Immersion heater
dpstar Industries has over 6 years of experience in the application, design and manufacturer of robust tubular immersion heaters and process assemblies. We have thousands of standard designs for quick field replacements and convenient ordering. dpstar also has extensive experience with custom designed electric immersion heaters for tank, reservoir and circulation flow applications. dpstar is Malaysia famous company which is a manufacturer and supplier of immersion heater . For more info visit us here .
Monday, 15 June 2015
Hand Tools Series 164 : Locking Pliers & Series 168 : Preset Torque Screwdriver
Please visit us at : http://www.dpstar.com.my for more info
Hand Tools Series 151 : T-Handle Screwdriver / Series 156 : Samurai Pliers
Please visit us at : http://www.dpstar.com.my for more info
Hand Tools Series 1248 : Specialist Series Adjustable Wrench
Please visit us at : http://www.dpstar.com.my for more info
Tuesday, 9 June 2015
A Thermocouple is a sensor used to measure temperature. Thermocouples consist of two wire legs made from different metals. The wires legs are welded together at one end, creating a junction. This junction is where the temperature is measured. When the junction experiences a change in temperature, a voltage is created.There are many types of thermocouples, each with its own unique characteristics in terms of temperature range, durability, vibration resistance, chemical resistance, and application compatibility. Type J, K, T, & E are “Base Metal” thermocouples, the most common types of thermocouples.Type R, S, and B thermocouples are “Noble Metal” thermocouples, Thermocouples are known for their versatility as temperature sensors therefore commonly used on a wide range of applications - from an industrial usage thermocouple to a regular thermocouple found on utilities and regular appliances. dpstar provides many years of high quality Malaysia manufacturing, research and product development for your temperature sensing needs. dpstar manufacturers a tremendous selection of general application, mineral insulated metal sheathed, base metal, high temperature, surface temperature and multipoint thermocouples. dpstar famous Maltec-T is one of the largest leading manufacturer they produce high quality thermocouple and there are many other variety to choose from at www.dpstar.com.my.
Immersion Heater
The electric immersion heaters are used for the corrosive chemical heating in industrial applications. Various configurations are available, such as open tank, screw plug and flange type. The sheath materials can be constructed from a wide variety to ensure long life regardless of the chemistry. Materials include: fluoropolymer, quartz, titanium, 316 stainless steel, 304 stainless steel and plain steel. Sizes from as small as 100 watts for laboratory environments up to 54,000 watts (flange heater up to 270,000 watts) for industrial applications are available. Many standard configurations are available from stock. Quick lead times are also available for custom made heaters. Heaters are compliance to UL,CSA and CE marks. Many variety of immersion heater is available. Visit us at www.dpstar.com.my
Sunday, 7 June 2015
Infrared Silica Quartz Heaters
Infrared Silica Quartz Heaters
Straight long wave infrared rays can be easily arranged to fall on an object by use of a reflection plate. If the cross-section of the reflection plate is designed in parabolic shape, most of the reflected rays will go in parallel direction to heat the object.
Aluminum plate has excellent reflective power, Stainless plate is slightly inforior to aluminum plate while stainless plate must be used where corrosive gas emerges.
There is 30% difference between the use of parabolic reflection plate and a plane type. Therefore a parabolic reflection plate should be used whenever it is possible.For maintaning the efficiency of the reflector cleaning must be done.
Why pick us ? We are a leading manufacturer in Malaysia and was established in 1996. Since our inception we have grew to become a top supplier, facilitating our valued clients through our offices located in northern, central and southern part of west Malaysia also our products that we are selling are high quality and certified electrical heaters. Such as Industrial Heaters,Tubular Heater,Ceramic Bobbin Heater,Duct Heater,Cartridge Heater,Finned Tubular Heater,Circulation Heater,Infrared Silica Quartz Heater,Teflon Immersion Heater,Flange Immersion Heater,and etc. Our products are only UL Certified,UKAS,ISO,Standards and etc. Visit us at www.dpstar.com.my
Black Infrapara Ceramic Heater
Black Infrapara Ceramic Heater
- Unique ceramic heater - selected ceramics with high thermal durability, mechanical strength and good electrical insulation. High quality Nichrome wire is used
- High emissivity
- Quick thermal response, high thermal efficiency
- Easy control to radiate favourable wave lengths for different target materials
- 1-10 times more speedy than ordinary heaters
- Uniform temperature distribution
- Electric power may be saved up to 50%, production yield may be raised 30% up
- Oven volume reduceable to one half or even less.Maintenance or replacement of existing old-fashioned heat pipes in ovens is easy
- Free from dust contamination. No fire flame appears during heating process
- High safety
- Heating plastic films and sheets in various forming applications
- Packaging
- Softening of plastic sheets before embossing
- Gelling paste coats on fabrics
- Hardening of synthetic threads
- Activation of thermal adhesives
- Drying synthetic emulsions
- Heating of paper pulp
- Thermal hardening of lacquered paper and cardboard
- Drying of skins & spray-coated leather
- Quick drying of gummed & glued paper
- Drying and burning-in of protective varnish in cans & tubes
- Drying and burning-in of lacquered sheet-metal parts
- Burning-in of powder coatings
- Drying the glaze on ceramic tiles
- Quick hardening of cement
- Tempering layered glass
- Preheating the welding seams in pipe construction
- Adherence of sound-absorbing mats in the consumer goods and automobile industries
- Heating climatic chambers
- Drying fabrics
- Accelerating glue curing
- Hardening of epoxy resins
- Various food applications including baking, drying, heating,warming & melting
Why pick us ? We are a leading manufacturer in Malaysia and was established in 1996. Since our inception we have grew to become a top supplier, facilitating our valued clients through our offices located in northern, central and southern part of west Malaysia also our products that we are selling are high quality and certified electrical heaters. Such as Industrial Heaters,Tubular Heater,Ceramic Bobbin Heater,Duct Heater,Cartridge Heater,Finned Tubular Heater,Circulation Heater,Infrared Silica Quartz Heater,Teflon Immersion Heater,Flange Immersion Heater,and etc. Our products are only UL Certified,UKAS,ISO,Standards and etc. Only at www.dpstar.com.my
Erema Silicon Carbide Heating Element
Erema Silicon Carbide Heating Element
dpstar heating elements, composed of high-purity, recrystallized silicon carbide, have earned the reputation as the world’s leading heating elements. These elements are widely used as high-temperature heat sources for electric furnaces and for the firing of ceramic capacitors, ferrites and other electronic components that are commonly used in mobile phones and computers.
EREMA silicon carbide (SiC) heating elements are manufactured by TOKAI Konetsu Kogyo Co., Ltd. (TKK) /JP, the world’s largest manufacturer of SiC heating elements. TKK believes that the trend of energy efficiency is basically the same worldwide. “Energy saving” and “sustainability” are globally becoming very important in today’s business.
EREMA silicon carbide (SiC) heating elements are manufactured by TOKAI Konetsu Kogyo Co., Ltd. (TKK)/JP, the world’s largest manufacturer of SiC heating elements. TKK believes that the trend of energy efficiency is basically the same worldwide. “Energy saving” and “sustainability” are globally becoming very important in today’s business. TKK has been manufacturing the EREMA SiC heating elements since 1936 at two locations in Japan and China. These elements are the most energy-efficient, cost-effective and versatile heating elements on the market. One of TKK’s latest developments is the new EREMA Eco Heater (EH). These elements use less power than conventional elements, and the resulting cost saving over their lifetime can exceed in many applications their purchase price. Typical pay back periods can be as short as 12 months, depending on the application. EREMA SiC EH elements are designed with specially formulated cold ends which significantly reduce the heat loss from the terminals concentrating the heat where needed in the furnace. Reduced heat losses result in lower power consumption saving energy costs also helping to reduce the furnace carbon footprint by lowering the greenhouse gas emission – protecting the environment.
Why pick us ? We are a leading manufacturer in Malaysia and was established in 1996. Since our inception we have grew to become a top supplier, facilitating our valued clients through our offices located in northern, central and southern part of west Malaysia also our products that we are selling are high quality and certified electrical heaters. Such as Industrial Heaters,Tubular Heater,Ceramic Bobbin Heater,Duct Heater,Cartridge Heater,Finned Tubular Heater,Circulation Heater,Infrared Silica Quartz Heater,Teflon Immersion Heater,Flange Immersion Heater,and etc. Our products are only UL Certified, UKAS,ISO,Standards and etc. Visit us for more outstanding information at http://www.dpstar.com.my
Industrial Hot Air Blower
Industrial Hot Air Blower
dpstar in the last few decades, as technology and manufacturing have grown ever more sophisticated and intricate, demand for conventional air blower, hot air blower, and industrial air blower technology has exploded. dpstar is proud to be the global leader in meeting the demand for this technology with the most advanced and effective supply of industrial blower products on the market. We have supplied thousands of customers with tens of thousands of air blower products, gaining ourselves a reputation as the industry leader. This hard-earned reputation has been won through top-notch industrial blower engineering, high-quality customer service, and the best sales and support staff in the industry.
Many of our competitors manufacture standard product lines, essentially forcing their customers to meet the design and engineering specs of mass-produced industrial air blower products. However, even if they do offer custom manufactured products, it can take months to turn around an order. At dpstar we do business differently, offering completely customized air blower systems, manufactured to customer provided specs. We turn this around in an incredible efficient manner, designing, manufacturing, and shipping customized air blower units in five days.
We are able to do this because of our unfailing commitment to customer service, for we know that our success it closely tied to yours, and the more efficiently we can bring you our top-of-the-line products, the more success we will both enjoy. Our team of customer service professionals works diligently to understand the needs of every one of our customers, taking a complete list of specs and performance criteria and turning them into fully developed build-plans.
However, things aren’t always perfect in the world of customized engineering, and we have a complete team of sales and support staff in the that are expert in the field to help you solve any problem that might arise. These folks will do whatever it takes to make sure your returns, for they have the years of expertise and experience putting our industrial air blower products in place, and they take great pride in being able to deliver results to our customers. For more information just visit us at www.dpstar.com.my.
Box Furnaces
Box Furnaces
Minimize outer surface temperatures while maintaining uniform heat distribution within the chamber. dpstar Box Furnaces include unique insulation and heating element composites, and are available in several popular chamber sizes to meet the most demanding laboratory applications. Advanced engineering and specialized construction techniques include variable density insulation, double shell cabinets, long-life heating elements and horizontal side swing doors. See more at www.dpstar.com.my
Daiichi Denko Anti-Condensation Heater
Daiichi Denko Anti-Condensation Heater
Anti-condensation heater is designed to maintain the temperature inside of an enclosure several degrees above surroundind ambient temperature and above the dew point.This will eliminate condensed water vapour contained inside an enclosure.
Model | CH24080 | |
Features | - No thermostat is required. - Self regulated heating. - No moving parts to wear out. - Compact size and high watt density. - Uniform heat output. - Corrosion resistance aluminium. - Easy mounting – Spring Clip fastener or screw on to panel base. | |
Rated Power | Thermal Output 60W/80W | |
Voltage | 240VAC(others voltage and power rating available upon request) | |
Termination | Silicone rubber insulated cable (2 x 0.75mm²) | |
Profile Material | Aluminium, natural anodized | |
Surface Temperature | 180°C (+/- 10%) | |
Size | 71mmW x 55mmH x 125mmL | |
Weight | 300g | |
Applications | - Industrial Enclosure - Control and Monitoring Systems - Switch Cabinet - Panel Board - Free-standing electronic equipment & meters - Others |
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