Monday, 18 May 2015

Backersafe Immersion Heater

backer immersion heater
dpstar is a sole agent of Backersafe Immersion Heaters are manufactured to the latest legislation of BSEN60335-2-73. Two specific clauses within this specification are aimed at eliminating the risk of boiling water. The most significant requirement is that the immersion heater be isolated from the mains supply should the primary thermostat fail with the contacts closed which would allow the water to reach a temperature in excess of 85 degrees centigrade.The ‘Backersafe’ Immersion heaters are manufactured in a full range of sheath material including copper, incoloy 800, incoloy 825 and titanium to suit the varying water conditions around the country.Through continuous investments in research and development, our engineering team is able to develop a pattern of constant innovation, in-line with our commitment towards achieving the finest. More than 100 employees currently work in dpstar, in one production centre and twelve sales offices through out Peninsular Malaysia. Our strength lies in our abilities and dare to innovate ahead of our time.The inclusion of modern equipment and sophisticated technology had made our company dpstar to be much faster and efficient.As one of the leading manufacturer in Malaysia we promise you that our Backersafe Immersion Heaters  is for any voltage or wattage within the limits of manufacturing.Also our heaters can be also be supplied with suitable mild steel, stainless steel pockets, mounting flanges and bosses. We are UL certified, CE certified in Malaysia as an industry professional in heaters.  For more information you can visit our website at

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