Thursday, 29 September 2016


Heating requirements are critical in many different processes in the manufacturing industry, to fulfil such requirements heating elements are used heavily because they can be shaped and customised to different size, specification, configuration. The option to change different materials allows for most applications across different industries. But the fundamentals remain the same, these heaters convert electrical energy to heating energy and the heat is disbursed through contact with air, liquid, and solids.
Since the heaters allow for flexibility, many will find them being used in infrared heaters, flexible heaters, quartz heater’s just to name a few. All these heaters can be found in industrial or commercial application whether to control or maintain a certain temperature. The most widely used heating element today, also one of dpstar’s mainly supplied and distributed heater in Malaysia is tubular heaters, they can be found on kitchen stovetops and dishwashers. While other heating elements can be seen in industrial and commercial application in kilns, tanks, and drying ovens.

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

RTD – Resistance Temperature Detector

An RTD ( resistance temperature detector) is a temperature sensor that operates on the measurement principle that a material’s electrical resistance changes with temperature. The relationship between an RTD’s resistance and the surrounding temperature is highly predictable, allowing for accurate and consistent temperature measurement. By supplying an RTD with a constant current and measuring the resulting voltage drop across the resistor, the RTD’s resistance can be calculated, and the temperature can be determined.
Different materials used in the construction of RTDs offer a different relationship between resistance and temperature. Temperature sensitive materials used in the construction of RTDs include platinum, nickel, and copper; platinum being the most commonly used. Important characteristics of an RTD include the temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR), the nominal resistance at 0 degrees Celsius, and the tolerance classes. The TCR determines the relationship between the resistance and the temperature. There are no limits to the TCR that is achievable, but the most common industry standard is the platinum 3850 ppm/K. This means that the resistance of the sensor will increase 0.385 ohms per one degree Celsius increase in temperature. The nominal resistance of the sensor is the resistance that the sensor will have at 0 degrees Celsius. Although almost any value can be achieved for nominal resistance, the most common is the platinum 100 ohm (Pt100). Finally, the tolerance class determines the accuracy of the sensor, usually specified at the nominal point of 0 degrees Celsius. There are different industry standards that have been set for accuracy including the ASTM and the European DIN. Using the values of TCR, nominal resistance, and tolerance, the functional characteristics of the sensor are defined.
dpstar manufactures Maltec-RTDs for many industrial applications. From single- or dual-element RTDs to Pt100’s we have the right sensor They have been used for many years to measure temperature in laboratory and industrial processes, and have developed a reputation for accuracy, repeatability, and stability.
For further information please visit:

Monday, 26 September 2016

Heating elements

Heating elements can be found as a core fundamental material within electric heaters and are typically consisted of an insulating core, a heat conductive coil wrapped around the insulation and a protected sheath made from stainless steel, aluminum, nickel or iron. Heating elements can have a short lifespan if the application is incorrect, hence the need and importance that a person/company using such heaters are consulted professionally so that the right material is used. Through dpstar’s Maltec - H (Malaysia) manufacturedheating elements, our experience of nearly 30 years in the field allows us to give expert advice on the right heater for every application. Replacement of such heaters within a short time period can be very expensive and be a waste of a company’s expenditure. Most industrial companies that use such heaters acknowledge our heaters because they no longer need to replace heating elements part of regular equipment maintenance so frequently. Hence maintenance department can keep less of these parts and lower their inventory. When heating elements are used wrongly in consumer items such as hair dryers or toasters, it is typically easier and less expensive buy a whole new unit than replace a single element. dpstar’s manufacturing division goes through strict quality control processes and we manufacturers industrial heaters of high quality and customers are able to save on spare part maintenance. Using the right heating element material for every application is very critical and important, as the safety and effective operation of a heating element depends on it. Using wrong heating elements can potentially cause danger and risks such as fires, burning, product damage, equipment breakdown and many other problems.
dpstar’s Maltec H heating elements is able to offer our wealth of experience for heater applications so that such extra costs and problems do not occur to our customers.

Heating elements

Heating elements can be found as a core fundamental material within electric heaters and are typically consisted of an insulating core, a heat conductive coil wrapped around the insulation and a protected sheath made from stainless steel, aluminum, nickel or iron. Heating elements can have a short lifespan if the application is incorrect, hence the need and importance that a person/company using such heaters are consulted professionally so that the right material is used. Through dpstar’s Maltec - H (Malaysia) manufacturedheating elements, our experience of nearly 30 years in the field allows us to give expert advice on the right heater for every application. Replacement of such heaters within a short time period can be very expensive and be a waste of a company’s expenditure. Most industrial companies that use such heaters acknowledge our heaters because they no longer need to replace heating elements part of regular equipment maintenance so frequently. Hence maintenance department can keep less of these parts and lower their inventory. When heating elements are used wrongly in consumer items such as hair dryers or toasters, it is typically easier and less expensive buy a whole new unit than replace a single element. dpstar’s manufacturing division goes through strict quality control processes and we manufacturers industrial heaters of high quality and customers are able to save on spare part maintenance. Using the right heating element material for every application is very critical and important, as the safety and effective operation of a heating element depends on it. Using wrong heating elements can potentially cause danger and risks such as fires, burning, product damage, equipment breakdown and many other problems.
dpstar’s Maltec H heating elements is able to offer our wealth of experience for heater applications so that such extra costs and problems do not occur to our customers.

Sunday, 25 September 2016


dpstar is the largest in OEM manufacturing and customization of  Heating Elements and Thermocouples in Malaysia. We supply direct to end-users and machine makers throughout Malaysia and the Asian region and also through our appointed distributors. We are the only  Thermocouples and Heating Elements supplier in Malaysia to be accredited with UL and CE certification and our trademark brand is  Maltec-T (Thermocouples) and Maltec-H (Haltering Elements) respectively.

Thermocouples consist of two wire legs made from different metals and it function as a sensor to measure temperature. The wires legs are welded together at one end, creating a junction and when the junction experiences a change in temperature a voltage is created. The voltage then can be interpreted to calculate the temperature.

Thermocouples come in various types, each with its own characteristics in terms of temperature range, vibration & chemical resistance, durability, compatibility etc..
The most common types are type J, K, T, & E.  For high temperature application type R, S, and B thermocouples are most commonly used.

Thermocouples are used in many industrial, scientific, and OEM applications. They can be found in nearly all industrial markets: Rubber/Glove, Power Generation, Oil/Gas, Pharmaceutical, F&B, Steel, Cement, Paper/Pulp industries etc.
Our experience of 30 years in this field allow us to give expert advice on the specific thermocouple for every application.

Please send your enquiry to:

Thursday, 22 September 2016

We are involved in OEM manufacturing and customization of industrial electric heaters and heating elements in Malaysia. Through our trademark brand, the Maltec-H, we have a dominant installation base through machine and oven makers, HVAC and other industries. dpstar is ISO-certified and only strives for the best-in-class quality, our Quality Control department ensures that every heater is extensively tested before delivery.

Testament to our belief in manufacturing excellence, dpstar is the only heater supplier in Malaysia to be accredited with the prestigious UL and CE certificates. Customers around Asia engage us for their heating requirements; because they acknowledge Maltec heaters for the superior quality and reliability.

Heating elements can be found in a wide array of applications, and represent the core and fundamentals of most of the other types of heaters in the market today, through the usage of heating elements, metal tubes, and MGO powder, these elements can be shaped and turned into different types of heaters such as liquid immersion heaters, finned heaters, air heaters, and so on.

Dpstar is a reputable distributor and customised maker of heating elements in Malaysia with close to 30 years of experience.

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Liquid heaters
Heating some liquid, whether water, oil, or other mediums can be achieved by using any of several heater types, configuration, material and design. Some heaters are physically placed or mounted in some tank where the liquid is placed while others are better suited for heating a pipe or vessel containing the liquid. Dpstar Group has been a primary manufacturer and supplier of liquid immersion heaters in Malaysia, customers prefer us for our reliability and quality.

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Tubular Immersion Heater

Industrial immersion heaters are used for direct liquid immersion heating applications. They are constructed of one or more heater elements brazed or welded into various types of mounting fittings. Immersion tubular heater is the best adapted solution for heating fluids i.e Water, oil, fuel, solvents, flowing gases, baths for surface treatment, etc.
​These immersion heaters​ on a screw plug or a flange are designed to be mounted in the tank bottom from the interior. The height of the heating circuits is generally reduced to the minimum in order to allow for major variations in the liquid level.The circuits arranged in layers or on spools allow installing high power densities
We at dpstar Manufacturing can help you define the product you are looking for (kind of metal sheath, watt density, type of assembly, regulation, etc…). Standard and custom engineered designs are available for tailored solutions to your thermal application requirements.
​Screw Plug Immersion Heater​
Immersion heaters come in a wide variety of configurations, styles, and shapes.
Our goal is create a simple yet effective design to solve any fluid-heating environment you have. By selecting the best sheath material, choosing the optimum fitting method and manufacturing the elements to any desired watt density, you can expect the optimum engineered heating solution for your requirements. A Screw Plug Immersion Heater can have from 1 to 3 elements, or blades, either welded or brazed into the screw plug.
Flanged Immersion Hea​ter
The wide dimensional range of standard flanges (ANSI) allows designing immersion heaters from a few hundred Watts to several hundreds of kilowatts. dpstar Manufacturing also provides a lot of special flanges : oval clamp flanges, light stainless steel flanges, brass flanges.
Over-the-side Immersion Heater
These immersion heaters are designed to be placed in tanks to be heated by the tanks’ upper openings. So the heaters may be immersed or withdrawn without it being necessary to empty the tank.
This concept allows the immersion heaters to be easily cleaned and the same heater to be used in several tanks. It also allows an easy replacement of the immersion heater in case of a bath change.
​Immersion Heater with Ceramic Core Element
These immersion heaters consist of a ceramic core heating element incorporated in a cylindrical sheath made of materials adapted to the heated fluid.
This arrangement offers many advantages :
  • A wide choice of materials for the sheath : steel, all stainless steel, titanium, pyrex®, teflon®, etc.
  • A low watt density for “fragile” fluids.
  • A wide tolerance to the clogging of the heating circuits.
  • The possibility of replacing the heater without having to empty the container.
dpstar is the leading heater supplier and manufacturer in Malaysia and one of the largest distributor throughout South East Asia.
For more information about us please to visit: ​​

Tubular Immersion Heater

Industrial immersion heaters are used for direct liquid immersion heating applications. They are constructed of one or more heater elements brazed or welded into various types of mounting fittings. Immersion tubular heater is the best adapted solution for heating fluids i.e Water, oil, fuel, solvents, flowing gases, baths for surface treatment, etc.
​These immersion heaters​ on a screw plug or a flange are designed to be mounted in the tank bottom from the interior. The height of the heating circuits is generally reduced to the minimum in order to allow for major variations in the liquid level.The circuits arranged in layers or on spools allow installing high power densities
We at dpstar Manufacturing can help you define the product you are looking for (kind of metal sheath, watt density, type of assembly, regulation, etc…). Standard and custom engineered designs are available for tailored solutions to your thermal application requirements.
​Screw Plug Immersion Heater​
Immersion heaters come in a wide variety of configurations, styles, and shapes.
Our goal is create a simple yet effective design to solve any fluid-heating environment you have. By selecting the best sheath material, choosing the optimum fitting method and manufacturing the elements to any desired watt density, you can expect the optimum engineered heating solution for your requirements. A Screw Plug Immersion Heater can have from 1 to 3 elements, or blades, either welded or brazed into the screw plug.
Flanged Immersion Hea​ter
The wide dimensional range of standard flanges (ANSI) allows designing immersion heaters from a few hundred Watts to several hundreds of kilowatts. dpstar Manufacturing also provides a lot of special flanges : oval clamp flanges, light stainless steel flanges, brass flanges.
Over-the-side Immersion Heater
These immersion heaters are designed to be placed in tanks to be heated by the tanks’ upper openings. So the heaters may be immersed or withdrawn without it being necessary to empty the tank.
This concept allows the immersion heaters to be easily cleaned and the same heater to be used in several tanks. It also allows an easy replacement of the immersion heater in case of a bath change.
​Immersion Heater with Ceramic Core Element
These immersion heaters consist of a ceramic core heating element incorporated in a cylindrical sheath made of materials adapted to the heated fluid.
This arrangement offers many advantages :
  • A wide choice of materials for the sheath : steel, all stainless steel, titanium, pyrex®, teflon®, etc.
  • A low watt density for “fragile” fluids.
  • A wide tolerance to the clogging of the heating circuits.
  • The possibility of replacing the heater without having to empty the container.
dpstar is the leading heater supplier and manufacturer in Malaysia and one of the largest distributor throughout South East Asia.
For more information about us please to visit: ​​

Monday, 19 September 2016

Open Coil Element

Open coil elements are the most efficient type of electric heating element while also the most economically feasible for most heating applications. Used predominantly in the duct heating industry, open coil elements have open circuits that heat air directly from the suspended resistive coils. These industrial heating elements have fast heat up times that improve efficiency and have been designed for low maintenance and easily, inexpensive replacement parts.

Open coil heating elements from 
dpstar  are typically made for duct process heating, forced air & ovens and for pipe heating applications. Open coil heaters are used in tank and pipe heating and/or metal tubing. A gap is required between the ceramic and the inside wall of the tube. Installing an open coil element will provide excellent and uniform heat distribution over a large surface area. 

Open coil heater elements are an indirect industrial heating solution to decrease watt density requirements or the heat fluxes on the surface area of the pipe connected to the heated section and prevent heat sensitive materials from breaking down.
dpstar also manufactures other Industrial heating products such as Infrared heaters, control panels, Circulation heaters and more.

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Infrared Heater

Ceramic infrared heat elements are efficient, robust heaters which provide long wave infrared radiation. The ceramic heaters and infrared heaters are used in a diverse range of industrial and engineering applications such as thermoforming heaters, packaging and as heaters for paint curing, printing and drying. They are also used very effectively in infrared outdoor heaters and infrared saunas. Ceramic elements produced by Ceramic include ceramic trough elements, ceramic hollow elements, ceramic flat elements, and ceramic infrared bulbs.

Ceramic elements operate in the temperature of 300°C to 700°C (572°F – 1292°F) producing infrared wavelengths in the 2 – 10 micron range. Most plastics and many other materials absorb infrared best in this range, which makes the ceramic heater the most popular infrared radiant emitter on the market. A range of aluminized steel reflectors are also available to ensure the maximum amount of infrared radiation is reflected forward to the target area.

Ceramic Infrared Heater technology provides solutions for infrared heating elements in the Malaysia and distribute to many countries around the world including ceramic elements, heaters, infrared heating elements and infrared bulbs Malaysia and worldwide.

Thursday, 15 September 2016

bobbin heater

dpstar is one of the top Ceramic bobbin heater manufacturer & supplier company in Malaysia to supply these high quality products.
For indirect heating of liquids and gases where the element is fitted into a pocket in the process tank or system. These are installed in large storage tanks so that the element may be replaced without draining down the system or vessel.
Ceramic Bobbin Heater consists of 80/20 nickel chrome resistance wire supported on refractory insulators and connected to a terminal block at one end. The element flex to allow easy installation and handling. They are normally manufactured for horizontal mounting, but may be specially designed constructed for vertical installation.
We manufacture Ceramic Bobbin Heater for any voltage or wattage within manufacturing limits. Bobbin heater can be supplied with suitable mild steel or stainless steel pockets and mounting flanges.
The inclusion of modern equipment and sophisticated technology enable dpstar to produce its product with accuracy and reliability .We have a variety of ceramic bobbin heaters that are manufactured for horizontal mounting, but may be specially designed constructed for vertical installation as well. Our heaters can be also be supplied with suitable mild steel, stainless steel pockets, mounting flanges and bosses. Maltec Bobbin Heater is CE certified.
For more information you can visit our website at

Friday, 9 September 2016

Heating elements are used to produce high temperature in electric heaters. Electric heating elements can be seen or found in electric heating machinery and can come in all shapes and sizes. Heating Elements by dpstar Manufacturing (Malaysia) brand Maltec - H are produced and customised in with different specifications and material for different application, but their overall function remains the same: to convert electrical energy into heat energy, then to transfer that heat energy to or through air, liquid or solids by convection, conduction or radiation.
There is a wide range of industrial heating elements that can be used to fulfil all kinds of machinery, systems, and applications. dpstar Group is a top and renowned heater supplier and distributor in Malaysia, the types of these heaters are infrared heating elements, immersion heater elements, flexible heating elements, quartz heating elements and many more just to name a few. Many of such heating element varieties can be found in general household appliances in daily life. For example, tubular heating elements, one of the most general types of heaters which can be bent or made in different shapes, are used in consumer ovens and in dishwashers. Heating coils can be tubular, such as stovetop elements, or they may be wire, such as those that are used in toasters. Wire heating elements are almost certain to be found in commercial dryer heating elements; kilns, surface treatment heaters and many other kinds of dryers make use of wire elements. Ceramic heating elements, many of which are SiC heating elements, are used for convectional heating, such as in space heaters, furnaces and semiconductors. Heater elements have the capacity to produce temperatures as high as 1300° F.