Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Tubular Immersion Heater

Industrial immersion heaters are used for direct liquid immersion heating applications. They are constructed of one or more heater elements brazed or welded into various types of mounting fittings. Immersion tubular heater is the best adapted solution for heating fluids i.e Water, oil, fuel, solvents, flowing gases, baths for surface treatment, etc.
​These immersion heaters​ on a screw plug or a flange are designed to be mounted in the tank bottom from the interior. The height of the heating circuits is generally reduced to the minimum in order to allow for major variations in the liquid level.The circuits arranged in layers or on spools allow installing high power densities
We at dpstar Manufacturing can help you define the product you are looking for (kind of metal sheath, watt density, type of assembly, regulation, etc…). Standard and custom engineered designs are available for tailored solutions to your thermal application requirements.
​Screw Plug Immersion Heater​
Immersion heaters come in a wide variety of configurations, styles, and shapes.
Our goal is create a simple yet effective design to solve any fluid-heating environment you have. By selecting the best sheath material, choosing the optimum fitting method and manufacturing the elements to any desired watt density, you can expect the optimum engineered heating solution for your requirements. A Screw Plug Immersion Heater can have from 1 to 3 elements, or blades, either welded or brazed into the screw plug.
Flanged Immersion Hea​ter
The wide dimensional range of standard flanges (ANSI) allows designing immersion heaters from a few hundred Watts to several hundreds of kilowatts. dpstar Manufacturing also provides a lot of special flanges : oval clamp flanges, light stainless steel flanges, brass flanges.
Over-the-side Immersion Heater
These immersion heaters are designed to be placed in tanks to be heated by the tanks’ upper openings. So the heaters may be immersed or withdrawn without it being necessary to empty the tank.
This concept allows the immersion heaters to be easily cleaned and the same heater to be used in several tanks. It also allows an easy replacement of the immersion heater in case of a bath change.
​Immersion Heater with Ceramic Core Element
These immersion heaters consist of a ceramic core heating element incorporated in a cylindrical sheath made of materials adapted to the heated fluid.
This arrangement offers many advantages :
  • A wide choice of materials for the sheath : steel, all stainless steel, titanium, pyrex®, teflon®, etc.
  • A low watt density for “fragile” fluids.
  • A wide tolerance to the clogging of the heating circuits.
  • The possibility of replacing the heater without having to empty the container.
dpstar is the leading heater supplier and manufacturer in Malaysia and one of the largest distributor throughout South East Asia.
For more information about us please to visit: ​www.dpstar.com.my​

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