Monday, 31 October 2016


Strip heaters are used principally for convection-type air heating and clamp on installation. It is an excellent industrial heating product that can be easily controlled by using a temperature controller or a mechanical thermostat that can be installed on the surface you are heating. When selecting strip heaters two important factors must be considered: the proper sheath material for resisting any rusting and oxidizing inherent in the process environment and for withstanding the sheath temperature require.
Mounting holes are useful to mount the process heaters securely on almost any surface with terminal extending from the sheath for easy electrical connections. Many users also request lead wires that extend from one end that make the installation more flexible as the temperature control panel is easily adaptable to this configuration.
Temperatures as high as 250 Celsius can be reached and that allow for effective heat transfer. A fairly inexpensive way of heating surfaces or small areas, strip heaters are an excellent solution to meet any budget. Strip heaters are composed of a heating element, a protective sleeve or sheath, and mounting hardware. If strip heaters are used as a radiant heater, they have can have fins to maximize surface area and heat transfer to the air. Strip heaters can be clamped or bolted onto objects or solid surface contact heating over large areas and are primarily used in indoor applications.
dpstar also manufactures other industrial heating products i.e. immersion heaters, infrapara heaters, ceramic heaters and etc. Click here to view our products.

Sunday, 30 October 2016

Industrial Heater

Types for Electric Heaters for Direct Heating

Direct Heating
dpstar  manufactures and supplies various types of industrial heaters.
Direct heating, as the name implies, is a heating method in which the heater is directly immersed into the medium to be heated (it can be liquid or gas, depending on the industrial process). This is the most efficient method of heating, as there is no thermal lag or heat transfer losses. Plus, the method is also considered as more energy efficient and precise than indirect heating because the heat generated in this process by the electric heater is immediately absorbed in the fluid. However, mounting styles and temperature control vary with the type of electric heater.

Indirect Heating
Indirect heating is based on the basic principle of heat transfer from the hotter medium to the colder one. The method does not use electric heaters directly. The fluid to be heated is usually stored in a heating tank, and external heat is applied. The method usually uses heating pipes and boilers to heat the fluid.
  • Immersion Heaters
Immersion electric heaters consist of a mechanical thermostat and digital sensors to heat the fluid to the desired temperature. These heaters are called immersion heaters because the heating element is directly immersed into the fluid to be heated. However, the design of immersion heaters depends on the wattage rating and area of application.
  • For small reservoirs, screw immersion heaters are used.
  • For medium to large-sized tanks, flanged heaters are used.
  • For tanks without openings, over-the-side immersion heaters are used.
  • Circulation Heaters
Circulation heaters are also electric industrial heaters used to heat viscous fluids. The heating element in circulation heaters keeps on regulating, which facilitates for heat transfers through dense fluids. They are preferred over immersion heaters in applications with space limitations, as these heaters can be directly installed in the heating tank.
  • Suction Heaters
The heavy fuel industry uses electric suction heaters to heat viscous oils and gases. These heaters consist of a flanged heating element immersed into the heating tank while the other end of the heater is open. The fluid pumped from the tank can be heated directly. These heaters eliminate the need of an additional storage tank.
Now that you now the various types of electric heaters used in industrial heating, keep technical factors and heating requirements in mind to choose the right type of industrial electric heater.

Call us to discuss how we can meet your individual needs.

HP: +6012-307 3907


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Thursday, 27 October 2016

As the saying goes a picture tells a thousand words, this video will enable our customers/principal-suppliers/viewer to better understand with confidence dpstar group’s background, specialisation, range of products, brands, services, and expertise.

dpstar Group is a leading manufacturer of thermocouples (temperature sensors) and industrial heaters based in Malaysia. Our 25 years of expertise lies in complete factory/building automation and control components as well as process/hybrid control systems from project design up to testing, system integration, and commissioning. We have successfully built a strong reputation for electrical, instrumentation, and control systems and as a result expanded our foothold in Kuala Lumpur (KL), Petaling Jaya, Penang, Johor Bahru, Ipoh, Seremban, Melacca, Selangor, Kedah, Sabah, Sarawak through direct companies and ventured overseas in Asia through our partner companies in Thailand, Philippines, Singapore, Indonesia, and so on.

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Float Switch/Level Switch

The purpose of a float or level switch is to detect and control the level of rises or falls of a liquid in a tank.
Most float switches are the type that just open or close a circuit as the level of liquid in a tank rises or falls. With the more common reed switch, the device will have two electrical contacts sealed in a glass casing. The two leads will be close within the housing, but they will not be touching. The housing with the glass leads will be mounted at a point in the tank to determine the liquid level that triggers the response. In the liquid, you then have a magnetic float. As the level of the liquid in the tank rises or falls, the float will come closer to the leads. When the float is in range, the leads become magnetized and then come together, completing the circuit. When the liquid level changes in a way that brings the
float away from the electrical contacts, they separate and the circuit is broken.

An example would be a float that rises with the liquid to trigger a switch that turns on a pump. When the pump has removed enough of the liquid, it can then disengage the pump. Conversely, a float could be configured to float in liquid that needs to maintain a certain level. As the level drops, the float will eventually come in range of the switch. This could then trigger the opening of a valve to refill the tank to a predetermined level.

These are just a few of the more simple functions that a float switch can perform. Depending on the purpose and the design of the switch, they can be applied to much more complex tasks. Understanding the desired application of the switch will help to determine the right type of float switch that should be used and the configuration.
We at dpstar Manufacture and design various type of
Maltec Float Switches or Maltec Level Switches.

Please send your enquiry to:

Monday, 24 October 2016

Thermocouple vs RTD’s

The following chart indicates some of the advantages and disadvantages of RTD’s and thermocouples.
Limits of error wider than RTD
Limits of error smaller than thermocouples
Sensitive to strain, shock, and pressure
-240° to 2300°C
-128°C to 800°C
Can be as small as .01” sheath material, tip sensitive
Size limited to 1/16”, temperature sensitive for length of bulb
Should be checked periodically,
0.01 to 0.1°C per year, less drift than thermocouple
higher than RTD’s
Must resolve millivolts per degree, lower signal to noise ratio
Ohms per degree, much higher
signal to noise ratio than thermocouple
Cold Junction Reference
Not required
Lead wire
Must match lead wire calibration to thermocouple calibration
Can use copper lead wire for extension wire
Can be made small enough for millisecond response time
Thermal mass restricts time to seconds or more
Higher than thermocouples

dpstar is the leading manufacturer and supplier of Thermocouple and RTD’s in Malaysia and  South East Asia.
Please send your enquiry to:

Sunday, 23 October 2016

Immersion Heater: Simple Calculation

·         How many KW of electricity are needed to heat a hot water tank?
So the two bits of information you are going to need to help calculate this are the size of the tank measured in litres and the required temperature rise.
The required temperature rise (measured in centigrade) is calculated by taking the starting temp of your cold water from the hot water temperature required. For example if your water is 100C and you want to heat it up to 600C, then the temperature rise would be 500C.
The following formula can then be used to calculate the power (in kW) needed to heat a specific volume of water by a given temperature in 1 hour.
·         Volume of tank x 4 x temperature rise / 3412 = Power required
So if the tank is 125 litres and you want to take the water up to 650C from 100C, then it would simply be:
125 x 4 x 55 / 3412 = 8kW
This means that you would need 8kW of electricity to heat this volume of water up in 1 hour. If you wanted to heat it up in 30 mins you would need 16kW of power and so forth.
·         Immersion heaters are measured in kW
When you buy an 
immersion heaterit is given a kW rating, so for example 3kW or 6kW.
If you take the above example and have a 3kW immersion heater it would take about 2hrs 30min to heat the water (3kW each hour, so in two and a half hours that would give 7.5kW).
·         Cost of running an immersion heater
The cost of electricity is about 14 sen/kWh, which means that it would cost about 45 sen to run a 3kW immersion heater for an hour.
Normally though the immersion will turn on and off via the thermostat or a temperature controller so the amount of time they are on fluctuates, depending on the existing temperature of the water in the hot water tank.
dpstar Group is the largest manufacturer of Heaters and Thermocouples in Malaysia.
For further enquiries on immersion heater please visit:- and our engineer are ready to serve you.

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Silicone Drum heater

Many materials become viscous at room temperature, notably sugars, syrups, fats, lubricants and a variety of chemicals. Without heating, product typically cannot be discharged quickly from a drum into the production process, even at room temperature. Heating the drum, or other container type, provides a practical and effective method for maintaining process efficiency, by allowing faster decant of ingredients at all times and in all environments
Raising the ambient temperature to improve production efficiency is a costly and often impractical process. Effective drum and barrel heaters eliminate waste and lower costs that arise from damaged materials caused by improper storage. A further advantage of heating drums is a better product yield. Without heating, many contents cannot be fully discharged due to their viscosity, leaving waste product in the container which can add significantly to manufacturing costs.
Maltec Drum Heaters and base heaters can thus deliver valuable advantages to the manufacturing process, with reduced waste and shorter production cycle times.
ü  Melt or preheat process ingredients
ü  Heat drum contents to required temperature
ü  Control viscosity for handling processes
ü  Heat drums to protect against freezing
ü  Speed flow of liquids with a drum heater
ü  Maintain liquid temperatures in water purification systems
ü  Use oil drum heaters to raise and maintain temperature during biodiesel production.

For further information please visit:

Thursday, 13 October 2016


ecoStar Dehumidifier is well known for its built quality that conforms to the industrial standard. The dehumidifier will extract excess moisture from air, making the ambiance more comfortable and at the same time helps to prevent damages on the products that are sensitive to moisture.
ecoStar Air Dehumidifier has been widely used in numerous application such a Storage Areas, Equipment Rooms, Laboratories, Hospitals and manufacturing Plants. It also applies in many other hygroscopic material applications. Bacteria and mold usually grow on high humidity surroundings. Corrosion on irons and steels is also a common problem caused by humidity.
Now with ecoStar Dehumidifier, you will have less worry because everything just seems to last longer and in decent condition. dpstar is the sole distributor for EcoStar Dehumidifier in the ASEAN region.
For further information please visit:

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Electric Immersion Heaters – for Industrial Chemical and Water Applications

Process Technology electric immersion heaters
dpstar is a distributor for Process Technology heaters in Malaysia.
Process Technology electric immersion heaters are designed for a spectrum of industrial applications – from water to the demands of corrosive chemical heating, with a vast array of configurations available such as open tank, screw plug and flange. A wide variety of sheath materials ensure heater longevity regardless of the chemistry, including: fluoropolymer, quartz, titanium, 316 stainless steel, 304 stainless steel and plain steel. Immersion heater sizes range from as small as 100 watts for laboratory environments to as large as 54,000 watts (flange heaters up to 270,000 watts) for industrial applications. Many standard configurations are available from stock, and quick turnaround is offered for custom-configured heater. Process Technology electric immersion heaters are cULus and CE listed.
For further information please call : Tel: 603-807 6772

Tuesday, 11 October 2016


Maltec Circulation Heaters are made with stainless steel because of its anti-corrosive qualities. The application involve using a pump that flows the liquid through a closed pipe circuit (IE. water or glycol solution) that is reheated. A major consideration for this application is viscosity. Heat that is generated by the electric heater allows the liquid to be viscous enough to pass through the circuit of pipes. Circulation heaters come in a range of watt densities that are specifically designed for the medium that is heated. The required wattage to heat the oil or water is highly correlated to the flow rate (in GPM). The oil or water enters through an inlet (the inlet closest to the flange heater) and gets heat applied to it as it flows within a vessel chamber and exits the outlet nozzle (or flange) where it circulates throughout the piping circuit. Insulation is often required for vessels in order to preserve the heat to be applied within the vessel. Efficient heat application can often reduce unnecessary costs through heat loss. Thermocouple probes or RTDs, can be used with the electric heaters to maintain the oil or water at the preferred temperature.

Other useful features found with electric circulation heaters are drain valves. They can be installed in any location on the vessel and allow for easy maintenance of the heater. The water or oil can be purged through the drain valve allowing for maintenance on the elements. Calcium deposits and other residue can be found on elements and should be cleaned several times a month. Circulation heaters also come with the choice of horizontal or vertical mounting depending on your application. 

Maltec Circulation Heaters are also available in moisture resistant terminal boxes for hazardous environments and it is an exceptional choice for heating process liquids, non-corrosive to the materials of construction.

Oil and Gas companies have specifically used circulation heaters to assist them in the process of modifying viscosity levels of their heating oils. Crude oil enters an inlet of the vessel at a cool temperature and exits the outlet at a temperature more convenient for flow as it travels from one end of the transport pipe to the other. Hydraulic fluid can also be heated using this electric heater for heat transfer purposes, and to resist cooler climates. Immersion heaters are widely used in a variety of industries particularly the oil and pipeline sector for several different purposes. These industrial heaters are specifically designed so that oil, water, viscous materials, gases, solvents and other different process mixtures can be heated in direct contact with each other. This allows the heat to be generated within a single enclosure or solution and optimum efficiency can be achieved.

Please send your enquiry to:

Monday, 10 October 2016

Quartz infrapara heaters

dpstar manufacures Quartz Infrapara Heater under the brand name Maltec-H
Quartz Infrapara heaters are specially designed for applications that require infrared radiant heating. Quartz Infrapara consist of a helically wound resistance coil housed in a pure vitreous silica fused quartz tube. The ceramic caps are securely fastened to the quartz tube with high temperature cement providing excellent support to the power connecting termination.
It is one of the most efficient sources of radiant energy and it does not give off an objectionable glare because of a very low emission in the spectrum.
Optimum design provides a clear red color on the translucent quartz tube when operating at full voltage, providing an infrared wavelength at energy peak of 2.5 to 30 microns.
The wavelength is almost completely absorbed by the process, and considered best for most industrial applications:
Advantages of Quartz infrapara heaters:-
  • Clean heat energy
  • Quick heat and cool down response
  • Lower power consumption
  • Functional design
  • Food Processing
  • Food Warming
  • Shrink Packaging
  • Paint Curing and Drying
  • Sterilization
  • Thermal Copying Equipment
Please send enquiry to:
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Tuesday, 4 October 2016


Thermowell is use to protect temperature sensors such as thermocouples, thermistors and bimetal thermometers against damage from excessive pressure and corrosion installed in industrial processes. Maltec-H Thermowell is basically a hollow metal tube with one end sealed and it is usually mounted permanently in a vessel or pipe work. The sensor is inserted into it and makes contact with the sealed end.
They also increase the longevity of the sensor, allow sensor replacement without draining the system and reduce the probability of contamination.

A simple diagram showing a thermowell in use with a temperature gauge.
Thermowells are categorized according to the design of the stem. A straight thermowell is the same diameter throughout the entire insertion length and offers protection against corrosion and erosion. Stepped thermowells usually have a ¾” diameter at the top which is reduced to ½” diameter near the tip. The reduced surface area allows smoother velocities and faster temperature response for sensing devices. Tapered thermowells have a diameter that decreases gradually over the length of the insertion length. They offer superior strength as well as fast response times to temperature changes. Tapered thermowells are most often used in high velocity applications. Case studies performed on straight and tapered thermowells used in natural gas pipelines found that straight thermocouples experienced premature failure when exposed to flow induced vibrations.


Monday, 3 October 2016

Heating Elements

Most equipment or machinery that require heat to perform their processes use a heating element of one kind or another. Furnaces, heating process lines, oven dryers, water heaters, and other machine makers approach dpstar’s Maltec H range of manufactured heating elements for their heating requirements. The amount and wideness of the our customer base who purchase such heaters for their process application is almost uncountable. For example one of our biggest markets is in the packaging industry where these players use applications such as plastic fabricating, foam fabricating, metal fabricating and food processing industries, cartridge heaters are inserted into the machine where the heating is required. Immersion heaters and tubular heaters are used when the application required the heat to be transferred into liquid or air in industrial drying ovens, storage tanks for temperature control, pressure vessel heating, steam generation, furnace and boilers, water treatment facilities and many other applications. For instance, immersion heater elements are required when a process such as food manufacturing or drinks production takes place.
dpstar makes such heating elements and through our wealth of experience, we have been a renowned supplier and manufacturer of these heaters in the Malaysia market.