Monday, 3 October 2016

Heating Elements

Most equipment or machinery that require heat to perform their processes use a heating element of one kind or another. Furnaces, heating process lines, oven dryers, water heaters, and other machine makers approach dpstar’s Maltec H range of manufactured heating elements for their heating requirements. The amount and wideness of the our customer base who purchase such heaters for their process application is almost uncountable. For example one of our biggest markets is in the packaging industry where these players use applications such as plastic fabricating, foam fabricating, metal fabricating and food processing industries, cartridge heaters are inserted into the machine where the heating is required. Immersion heaters and tubular heaters are used when the application required the heat to be transferred into liquid or air in industrial drying ovens, storage tanks for temperature control, pressure vessel heating, steam generation, furnace and boilers, water treatment facilities and many other applications. For instance, immersion heater elements are required when a process such as food manufacturing or drinks production takes place.
dpstar makes such heating elements and through our wealth of experience, we have been a renowned supplier and manufacturer of these heaters in the Malaysia market.

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